zondag 22 juni 2014

(39) Mariana Serban

To my opinion, music brings solace to solitude.
Whether this woman feels comforted by the music I don't know. I hope so, but anyway: Mariana Serban has created and sent a great work of mail art, food for thought.

Thank you very much, multumesc mult, Mariana!

(38) Timea Kalaber

'Our solitudes', beautiful interpretation by Timea Kalaber from Romania. Thank you very much, multumesc mult, Timea!

zondag 4 mei 2014

(37) Eva

Loneliness and the internet...

Beautiful and true collages, created by Eva.

I wonder if the people on the envelope (some wellknown, not too good persons) might have been very lonely inside, and therefore acted that bad, to fill that empty inner self??

Eva added an excerpt of a poem by J.V.Foix, Sol i de dol:

Sol, sóc etern. M'és present el paisatge
De fa mil anys, l'estrany no m'és estrany:
Jo m'hi sent nat; i en desert sense estany

O en tuc de neu, jo retrob el paratge
On ja vaguí, i, de Déu, el parany
Per heure'm tot. O del diable engany.

Thank you very much, moltes gràcies, Eva!

zaterdag 18 januari 2014